Summer Holidays.

My summer holidays are usually in February or March, since in January we are always in classes due to the strikes. I always go on holidays with my family and we usually choose different destinations every year, but we love to visit the South, the last vacation we went to Frutillar and Puerto Varas and I was enchanted with the "Todos los Santos Lake" and the "Petrohué Waterfalls".

Also, I always go on vacation with my boyfriend's family, this year they invited me to Valdivia and Pichilemu, I had already visited Valdivia with my family in 2017 and I loved it, but this time it was different, as many places were closed due to the pandemic, even so it is always a pleasure to return to Valdivia.

I also usually go on vacation with my boyfriend, although during the pandemic we used to escape to the beach, our favorite destinations are Maitencillo and Concón, now that we are returning to a more normal life, it is more difficult, since we are with face-to-face work and I with some face-to-face activities at the university.

I do not consider it to be a summer vacation, but with my family we usually go to La Serena to spend the New Year and we stay for a few days.

Regarding the plans for this summer, I am too excited since with my family we will go to Machu Picchu for 1 week, , so if you have tips I would appreciate them hahaha

I also have plans to go to the beach with my friends and travel to the US with my boyfriend, because her sister is living there and we want to visit her, although it is still not sure, because buying tickets with little anticipation cost very expensive.

Summer vacations are something sacred to me, I love enjoying with my family, friends and boyfriend, partying, sleeping late, making crazy plans, releasing all stress, enriching myself with experiences and recharging batteries for what is to come.


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