My future job

I will start by telling you about my experiences working. The first time I worked was when I was 15-16 years old and I dedicated myself to wrapping Christmas presents during the month of December. Then, in the same place, I worked as a saleswoman during the Christmas season. When I started university and for 2-3 years I worked as a promoter in supermarkets and stores. I am currently working as a hair technique in a clinic specialized in treatments for different types of alopecia and I am an assistant in the subject of Differential and Integral Calculus in my faculty. In addition, I have worked teaching mathematics to children between the ages of 7-15 approximately. I am very good at teaching children and I love it. In all my jobs, I have had to deal with clients, who are often very difficult and they don't always treat you in the best way.

When I think about what I would like to work on in the future, when I finish my university degree, I really don't know. I like the area of pharmaceutical industry, technology and legislation. My job would be in an office or laboratory, I suppose pharmaceutical chemists earn a good salary to live comfortably. I would like to travel to another country to do a postgraduate degree and I hope I can stay and live for a while, it would be a very good experience.

Maybe, I specialize in pharmaceutical technologies or public health, which is another area that catches my attention, although I would also like to dedicate myself to research.

Anyway, I like so many areas of my career that it is very difficult to choose one right now.


  1. Sometimes having many possibilities rather than a help becomes a difficulty, especially when it comes to making a choice, since it is not easy to decide which way to go.

  2. there are so many areas that it is so difficult to decide

  3. it happens the same to me, you can work in so many areas that it's hard to decide, although I don't like the legislation area, I think that's the only job I wouldn't like to have


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