Postgraduate Studies

 When I finish university I plan to work for a while to gain some experience as a professional, In addition, one of my objectives at the end of my degree is to dedicate myself to improving my skills in English in order to master it very well and that not knowing this language is not an impediment to continue studying and doing postgraduate studies abroad.

Chemistry and pharmacy is a beautiful career and has a very broad field, so as I mentioned in the previous post, I honestly still do not know what area I would like to dedicate myself to, but some courses that I would like to take would be for to acquire knowledge and skills in the area of the pharmaceutical industry, be it pharmaceutical technologies, quality controls, investigation and development, etc. Although I would also like to do a postgraduate degree in pharmacology and toxicology.

I think it is important that we are constantly studying, learning and expanding our knowledge in our area, since these are constantly evolving.

I have always liked the idea of going to study abroad, especially in Europe or the United States depending on the postgraduate degree that I decide to study, since there are areas that do much better in certain countries, but I honestly do not rule out doing a postgraduate degree in Chile hahaha it's just that it would be a very enriching experience to study in another country, in every way.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. as you say in our area it is important to be constantly studying, I hope you can polish as you want your knowledge <3

  3. I really hope you can do your postgraduate studies abroad

  4. you're right, the most important thing is to pass the courses now hahah.

  5. It's good to have some experience before continuing with a specialty, I like it!


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