The best concert ever!

I have only attended three concerts in my life, two were by Justin Bieber and one by Selena Gomez. 

Without hesitation, Justin Bieber concerts have been the best.

Nowadays, I don't like Justin anymore but the experience of attending his concerts as a teenager in love with his "Idol" was extraordinary.

In 2011 I attended my first concert with my sister and our best friends. It was the first concert that Justin Bieber gave in Chile on his first international tour "my world", at the National Stadium.

On October 15, the day of the concert, we arrived very early at the stadium, our mothers accompanied us. I remember it was very hot and the sun was burning. We were in line all day as our tickets did not have a fixed seat.

The atmosphere outside the stadium was wonderful, many teenage girls crazy to meet their idol and sing his songs at the top of their lungs. That day I made many friends that I still have to this day.

At nine o'clock the concert began, the emotions I felt at that moment are inexplicable, the entire stadium sang their songs and Justin's voice was barely heard, he looked happy and was amazed at the power that Chilean Belibers had.

Being able to enjoy this experience with my sister and our best friends was wonderful, it was a dream for us to be there.

After the concert we went to our houses and I remember that I still heard the screams of the concert in my head hahaha


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