A food that i like

If there's one thing I love, it's peanut butter, literally it's just peanut butter haha. I eat it every day with fruits and I also put it in my breakfast oatmeal with more fruit, I love its flavor and how it is with strawberries and banana. I also like to eat it with pancakes, bread and waffles.

The first time I tried it and for many years I prepared it. It's very simple, you just need unsalted roasted peanuts, a blender or food processor, and a lot of patience. First, if your peanut is not toasted, you can toast it in an oven or in a pan so that the flavor is much richer and more intense, then it is as simple as putting the peanuts in the processor and waiting for the peanuts to release their oil to finally turn into butter. Sometimes I mix it with bitter cocoa powder and some sweetener and it is also delicious, but lately I haven't had much free time to prepare it, so I buy it in the supermarket, but I always notice that in the ingredients I have only peanuts to make it healthier. Sometimes I also cook peanut butter cookies, energy balls and sauces to marinate the tofu.

Peanuts belong to the legume family but nutritionally to the high-lipid food family, consuming them in moderation is beneficial to health since it contains "good fats" and an important contribution of proteins.


  1. It's impossible not to remember Mr. Peanut Butter from Bojack Horseman: ')

  2. I love peanut butter too, I like to eat it with oatmeal and apple. I've never made it but when I buy it I look the ingredients to make sure it's only peanuts.


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