
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2021

Summer Holidays.

My summer holidays are usually in February or March, since in January we are always in classes due to the strikes. I always go on holidays with my family and we usually choose different destinations every year, but we love to visit the South, the last vacation we went to Frutillar and Puerto Varas and I was enchanted with the "Todos los Santos Lake" and the "Petrohué Waterfalls". Also, I always go on vacation with my boyfriend's family, this year they invited me to Valdivia and Pichilemu, I had already visited Valdivia with my family in 2017 and I loved it, but this time it was different, as many places were closed due to the pandemic, even so it is always a pleasure to return to Valdivia. I also usually go on vacation with my boyfriend, although during the pandemic we used to escape to the beach, our favorite destinations are Maitencillo and Concón, now that we are returning to a more normal life, it is more difficult, since we are with face-to-face work and I


This photo is very special to me. It was taken in October 2018, I meet again after almost two years with one of my best friends from high school after she went to study in Ecuador.  From left to right is Lady, me and Jahiline, my best friends from high school. Jahiline is Ecuadorian and Lady is Peruvian. From the first day of high school we became friends with Jahiline, Lady joined us some time later.  At the end of high school, Jahiline decided to go to study in Ecuador, since he did not obtain a sufficient score in the "PSU" test to be able to study medicine in Chile and left for Ecuador in December 2016. I remember that that day we were very anxious and happy to see each other again, we went to look for her at the airport and we talked for hours and hours until dawn, like we haven't talked in a long time, being that those two years we kept in contact by WhatsApp. It was amazing how much we had changed in those two years, how different she looked and how different she s

Postgraduate Studies

 When I finish university I plan to work for a while to gain some experience as a professional, In addition, one of my objectives at the end of my degree is to dedicate myself to improving my skills in English in order to master it very well and that not knowing this language is not an impediment to continue studying and doing postgraduate studies abroad. Chemistry and pharmacy is a beautiful career and has a very broad field, so as I mentioned in the previous post, I honestly still do not know what area I would like to dedicate myself to, but some courses that I would like to take would be for to acquire knowledge and skills in the area of the pharmaceutical industry, be it pharmaceutical technologies, quality controls, investigation and development, etc. Although I would also like to do a postgraduate degree in pharmacology and toxicology. I think it is important that we are constantly studying, learning and expanding our knowledge in our area, since these are constantly evolving. I